- Tel: 0674-2397327 / 2397830
- Mail: rhsbbsr@gmail.com
The parents have entrusted their children to Ruchika High School to bring them to maturity. They, however, should cooperate with the school by their total involvement, which calls for real understanding of the school’s philosophy, and participate in its growth and development.
Parents should be the living examples of the values taught and expected of their wards. They should inform the Principal and the teachers concerned of any family problems or other pertinent facts that are necessary for a proper understanding and guidance of their wards
To attain total harmony between the home and the school:
- The Principal sends information through letters to parents/guardians about the activities, achievements, growth and development of Ruchika High School;
- Progress cards are given at the end of each Term Evaluation;
- Parent-Teacher meetings are organized during each term;
- Parents are encouraged to meet the teachers, by appointment, to discuss the progress of their wards;
- Parents requesting a teacher of Ruchika High School for favours for their wards may be asked to withdraw their wards from the school;
- The school can do very little for students when parents give contradictory orders or teach something contradicting what is taught in school;
- The school will not appreciate and approve any parent association/club/forum formed outside the school in the name of the school. The PT sessions are the only official forum where one can bring in the concerns of children to the notice of the management. The Principal will deal with parents individually.
- Grievances of any sort should be presented in writing for better disposal. No telephonic discussion with regard to administrative policies will be done.
- To see the notes which may be made in the school Diary by the teachers?
- To make their own remarks in the school Diary for the information of the teachers.
- To go through the books and answer papers of their children regularly and sign them.
- When writing to the school regarding their children, parents should mention the name of the child, the standard and the division.
- Parents and guardians are not allowed to see pupils or interview teachers during school hours. Please take prior appointment from the school office, if you wish to do so.
- Parents should intimate the school of any change in address and telephone number.
- Parents must not send presents to teachers.
- Parents should telephone the school between 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. the school Telephone number is 26356282. It would be appreciated if telephone calls are made very sparingly. The school website is www.ruchkaschool.ac.in you can email the school atrhsbbsr@gmail.com. In the event of emergencies such as bands, riots, floods etc, please use your own discretion and decide whether to send the child to school or not. Should the emergency occur after school has begun, please ensure that you come personally to school and fetch your child. The school cannot take the risk of sending your child with any other person. At this time, it becomes humanly impossible for our office staff to answer telephone calls from so many parents.
- No article especially water bottles and Tiffin boxes will be accepted at the gate.
- Parents are requested to personally drop & pick their children punctually for all school events.
- Parents are requested not use their mobile phones and cameras within the school premises, accepts only on school functions.
- Parents should not give any food or food products in plastic or polythene as it is harmful for the environment.
The school expects the co-operation of the parents to ensure that:-
- The children come to school regularly, punctually and dressed neatly and correctly.
- The children bring to school their books and exercise books which should be properly maintained.
- The children do their work regularly.
- The pupils do not go out for entertainment or parties during week days.
- Birthday invitations are not distributed during and after school hours in or around the school premises.
- Books are donated to the library in lieu of sweets, on the student’s birthday.
- The students’ photographs may be printed in connection with the school’s activities.
- They use social media responsibly and avoid discussing school related matters.
- Boys should have proper trimmed haircut
Parent Teacher Meetings will be held as per the following schedule. All parents are advised to attend the meeting. No complain will be attended if the Parent does not attend these parent teacher meetings.
Class | Dates | Timing |
Term I |
PN, LKG, Prep, VI to X | 04-04-2020 | 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. |
I to V | 18-04-2020 | |
PN, LKG, Prep, VI to VIII | 27-06-2020 | |
I to V | 04-07-2020 | |
IX & X | 18-07-2020 | |
PN, LKG, Prep | 25-07-2020 | |
I to X | 29-08-2020 | |
Term II |
PN, LKG, Prep, I to X | 03-10-2020 | 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. |
PN, LKG, Prep, V to X | 07-11-2020 | |
I to V | 21-11-2020 | |
PN, LKG, Prep, VO to X | 26-02-2021 | |
Parent Teacher Meetings for class IX & X will be held thrice in a year coinciding with the declaration of results of the term exams. |
Parents can also meet the teachers on Saturdays (Except Second Saturdays) between 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. No parent will be allowed to meet the teachers during school days
What Parents Say...

Pravati Acharya
I am Pravati Acharya, parent of Ashlesa Acharya of class IX. After the birth of my daughter, Ashlesa, the biggest hurdle for me was to find a suitable school for my little one. My association, as a parent, with Ruchika since the last 12 years has been wholesome. Ruchika provides an holistic environment for the overall growth of my child. The student-teacher ratio is well maintained according to the recommendations of Right to Education Act, 2009. Teachers are cordial, encouraging and engage the pupils in various activities. Sports, debate, and dance classes are an add on. Ruchika even provides a ray of hope for the differently abled students. As a parent, I feel relieved that Ruchika takes care of post-pandemic sanitation needs.
Thank you