Studies & Curriculum
The course of studies will extend from PN to Class X and is oriented towards the Indian Certificate Secondary Education (ICSE).
The medium of instruction is English. A high standard of English is necessary for success in the ICSE. However, Hindi and Oriya have a vital role in the curriculum. Hindi and Oriya are compulsory in all classes up to Class VII. In class VIII the student chooses between Hindi and Oriya as the second language.
Regular attendance, alertness in class, performance of regular class work and revision are sufficient to make progress. Parents can make the class teaching even more valuable if they speak English to their wards at home. English is the medium of instruction.
Private tuition is discouraged. No amount of private tuition’s can substitute active listening, concentration, and attention on the subject matter being taught in the class. Moreover, private tuition’s generally reduce self-confidence and initiative and encourages laziness and dependence.
Project work is given three times in a year and it carries marks, which is part of the report card. Projects must be submitted in time. The students must make sure that the projects are submitted within 10 days of being given else they will not be accepted and marks not given.
- Promotions are decided on the pupil’s progress throughout the year based on the periodic tests and the terminal examinations.
- A pupil unable to cope may be advised to opt for a change in curriculum.
- Promotion from class IX will only be done on the basis of the cumulative achievement level of the student throughout the year in the subjects he/she has been registered for. For promotions, a candidate is required to have obtained at least 40% marks in five subjects including English on the cumulative average and a minimum attendance of 75% of the working days. Promotions on trial will not be granted from class VIII TO IX AND IX to X.(Ref: ch. IV, clauses 6 section E page 2 section C page 7 of CISCE rules)
- Decision of the Principal is final.